Saturday, March 6, 2010

Biggest Loser Week 9

Congratulations Nate! Below are the full results.

Yet again I had a bad week. I'm so guilty of obsessing about one area of my life and I neglect others. This week I focused so hard on my photography business and getting my website/blog updated that I completely neglected exercise and eating healthy. When I get stressed I just fall back into old habits. Unfortunately they are not good habits. I'm so disappointed with myself. I know this. I still do it. Why? Does anyone else have this problem???

So, I'm making a vow to put my health first again because really with out our health we have nothing. I went to yoga yesterday for the first time in weeks and it felt so good. I miss it and am going back for more today. If anyone else out there is feeling unmotivated don't give up!! We can do this together.


Shirley said...

Good Morning Tami and yes I am feeling the same way you do. I to got pre-occupied with other things and didn't get my exercise in and I found myself snacking on things that I know is a no no. I have also vowed to get back on track with the exercise and healthy eating. We can do this together, let's do not only for our families but most important for ourself. Love you girl, Aunt Shirley

Marianne said...

Congrats Nate!!!

Hang in there Tami. I am an extremist I know no middle ground, I wish I did but I've come to face that's just me. So I totally know what you're saying about giving one project your entire attention and others not so much. When I used to over eat I would be putting stuff in my mouth and thinking this is so bad for me why am I eating it...I don't know why I couldn't stop but I couldn’t. Try not to let your bad week mess with your mind. You’re back on it and that’s what counts! Love ya girl.

Tami said...

Thank you Shirley & Marianne for your support and encouraging words!!