Monday, August 16, 2010

My comic relief!

TURN OFF THE MUSIC BELOW before hitting play!  Just a friendly reminder. :-)

This is my comic relief after a emotional morning of dropping Andrew off at Kindergarten (pics of that to follow.) 

First, I am going to apologize now for saying "Oh my god"  I don't usually say that and don't like it but this wave was HUGE and it just came out.  Sorry if I offend anyone! 

Secondly,  the video does not even begin to show how BIG the wave was.  It was HUGE and very strong as you'll see it was knocking people over and throwing some to shore.. a few times.  Amazingly enough, Andrew happened to be just far enough in the ocean that he wasn't a victim to this.  His Auntie on the other hand, she wasn't so lucky.  But, it makes for a fun video!!  As you'll hear I was laughing so hard I couldn't even finish my sentences.  I think I was crying I was laughing so hard after I hit stop on the camera.  Love you sista


Michelle Whitlow said...

hehe, that was great!!!

Mommas Soapbox said...

Ya, love you too SISTA..... ha ha!

gaga said...

...too funny....
I'm still laughing. I think I have played this about 10 times.:)

Lanette said...

OMG I am still rolling! you better watch your back Tami, Steph WILL be getting revenge!!! lol you KNOW what I would have been doing had I been there!