Saturday, April 17, 2010

Basketball Skills

This past Thursday Andrew had his first "Basketball skills" class. He was seriously bouncing off the walls before we left for class because he was so excited. He has been so into basketball lately and when we saw this class being offered we knew it would be perfect for him.

I was a bit concerned because it's an hour long class but he did great and had so much fun. In fact he wanted to go home and play more basketball "to show Daddy how good I am at sports." Thankfully Blake was able to make it home in time for his class and got to watch him. Apparently, Andrew just wanted to continue to wow him. :-) This boy loves his Daddy so much.

Here are some pics I snapped before we headed out to basketball class.


Gaga said...

He already looks like he knows what he is doing! :) That's my boy!

Marianne said...

These are great pics... I love his determination in the photos with him bouncing the ball...he is such a sweetie! Love & miss you guys :-)

Mommas Soapbox said...

ADORABLE. Auntie LOVES YOU! You are so good at sports buddy!