Friday, April 24, 2009

Beautiful day for swim?

On Wednesday our weekly playgroup met out at a resevoir near us and the kids begged to get in the water. What started as "Can I touch the water with my hand?" turned into "Can you take my pants off so they don't get wet?" That water was soooooo cold (remember we just about 3 feet of snow a few days ago) but they had a great time. The sun was shining and it was in the 70's. We've had beautiful weather this week and the snow is all gone. Back down in the 50's this weekend with thunderstorms. (woo hoo!)

The kids rode their bikes along a trail to get to the park/beach area. I was bummed that I took my point and shoot camera because I could have gotten some great shots with my big camera. Oh well, that is what I get for being lazy!

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